
Session D5: Anonymity and re-identification risks
DescriptionEven if direct identifiers are removed from microdata files, there is always the risk that a combination of variables of interest corresponds to a single individual. If these variables can be known to a third party, there is the risk of indirect identification of that individual.
At what point do we consider that anonymity is broken? Can these files continue to be disseminated in spite of this identification risk? If so, how to continue to protect the anonymity of people? At this session, these, and related, questions will be discussed.
OrganisersGerard Biau (French Statistical Society and INSEE)
ChairJean-Pierre Le Gléau (Former head of the coordination department of the INSEE)
Presentation #1Anonymity and re-identification risks: an overview
Jean-Pierre Le Gléau (Former head of the coordination department of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies)
Presentation #2Working Party 29 and CNIL point of view on anonymisation
Amandine Jambert (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés)
Presentation #3Anonymity and risk of re-identification of health data
Dominique Blum (Secure Data Access Centre)
Presentation #4Widening access to confidential microdata in France
Kamel Gadouche (Secure Data Access Centre)

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