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14. Characteristics of peach plantations by region, 2007
Denomimation Central
Great Plain
and Northern
number, pcs 400 133 49 310 492 270 414 2 390 3 074 3 966
share, % 10.09 3.35 1.24 7.82 12.41 6.81 10.44 60.26 77.51 100.00
Gross area
size, hectare 1 487.85 447.58 35.28 731.93 1 214.79 489.20 505.34 2 089.67 3 084.21 5 786.85
share, % 25.71 7.73 0.61 12.65 20.99 8.45 8.73 36.11 53.30 100.00
Net area
size, hectare 1 408.46 425.57 33.93 714.38 1 173.88 477.18 483.80 2 034.64 2 995.62 5 577.96
share, % 25.25 7.63 0.61 12.81 21.04 8.55 8.67 36.48 53.70 100.00
Size of area, hectare
below 0,5 39.13 12.90 9.33 41.89 64.12 39.77 61.03 367.92 468.72 571.97
  0,5–  0,99 35.63 5.74 1.29 59.66 66.69 42.98 45.00 370.50 458.48 560.80
  1,0–  2,99 222.53 50.27 9.99 69.88 130.14 87.16 136.60 656.50 880.26 1 232.93
  3,0–  5,99 229.72 67.17 13.33 142.42 222.92 61.22 83.91 294.37 439.50 892.14
  6,0–  9,99 79.96 74.56 84.82 159.38 50.65 52.52 113.89 217.06 456.40
10,0–14,99 81.88 77.57 40.86 118.43 43.50 23.83 109.87 177.20 377.51
15,0–19,99 73.89 32.21 86.69 118.90 36.40 15.79 82.53 134.72 327.51
20,0–24,99 90.32 46.32 46.32 64.71 64.71 201.35
25,0 and over 555.41 105.13 141.84 246.97 50.80 65.12 39.08 155.00 957.38
Age categories
  2 years and below 15.00 2.30 9.20 11.50 26.50
  3 years 0.59 10.68 10.25 20.93 2.28 5.78 49.97 58.03 79.55
  4 years 45.70 64.64 31.44 96.08 34.21 35.90 105.70 175.81 317.59
  5–  9 years 142.32 104.52 8.95 104.65 218.12 86.38 113.50 510.17 710.05 1 070.49
10–14 years 352.76 74.02 6.71 162.25 242.98 150.98 75.32 726.31 952.61 1 548.35
15–24 years 437.17 111.95 17.00 289.26 418.21 122.42 185.31 585.95 893.68 1 749.06
25 years and over 414.92 59.76 1.27 116.52 177.55 80.91 65.68 47.32 193.91 786.38
Estimated year of grubbing
2008–2010 599.72 117.69 12.11 280.26 410.06 109.30 259.08 814.51 1 182.89 2 192.67
2011–2015 291.97 123.02 19.46 182.96 325.44 68.66 108.68 676.23 853.57 1 470.98
2016–2020 263.08 39.83 0.82 95.92 136.57 172.43 102.96 408.21 683.60 1 083.25
after 2020 253.68 145.03 1.55 155.23 301.81 126.80 13.08 135.68 275.56 831.05
Slope of the terrain, %
flat 212.85 239.93 12.73 242.84 495.50 199.74 412.58 2 029.94 2 642.26 3 350.61
1–  4 675.78 153.43 13.71 383.83 550.97 245.64 58.22 4.70 308.56 1 535.31
5–  8 305.99 13.40 6.22 82.63 102.25 23.20 12.08 35.28 443.52
9–12 99.85 18.80 0.87 4.69 24.36 4.82 0.91 5.73 129.94
above 12 113.99 0.41 0.40 0.81 3.78 3.78 118.58
Orientation (if not a flat terrain)
East 48.61 60.19 3.73 131.74 195.66 51.31 34.26 85.57 329.84
South–East 384.29 19.80 15.90 35.70 122.29 4.74 127.03 547.02
South 173.83 10.50 4.44 55.49 70.43 22.49 10.77 33.26 277.52
South–West 333.75 64.89 3.05 131.30 199.24 60.23 1.68 2.00 63.91 596.90
West 144.71 21.50 9.37 64.86 95.73 6.67 5.30 2.70 14.67 255.11
North–West 62.70 2.85 0.62 50.54 54.01 2.39 2.39 119.10
North 5.58 4.50 10.08 1.04 10.46 11.50 21.58
North–East 47.72 0.34 17.22 17.56 11.02 4.00 15.02 80.30
Cultivation method
traditional 351.28 10.31 18.89 66.47 95.67 50.72 41.32 164.60 256.64 703.59
vase 190.71 60.71 155.09 215.80 179.27 24.53 127.07 330.87 737.38
open centre 853.37 354.55 15.04 492.82 862.41 247.20 417.95 1 739.97 2 405.12 4 120.90
others 13.10 3.00 3.00 16.10
not irrigable 1 344.39 390.15 22.06 535.51 947.72 302.21 403.66 1 048.56 1 754.43 4 046.54
irrigable but not irrigated 14.40 20.43 3.89 14.23 38.55 33.39 25.58 482.40 541.37 594.32
irrigated 49.67 14.99 7.99 164.64 187.62 141.59 54.55 503.68 699.82 937.11
Irrigation method
drop type 43.80 12.43 9.99 8.33 30.75 125.41 34.92 239.15 399.48 474.03
micro–jet 3.61 5.00 33.54 38.54 1.57 85.50 87.07 129.22
sprinkler type 0.17 118.04 118.04 11.47 240.59 252.06 370.27
others 16.49 17.99 1.88 18.96 38.83 49.56 32.18 420.83 502.57 557.89
Density, pcs/hectare
  250 and below 0.87 8.54 9.41 23.17 13.31 54.60 91.08 100.49
  251–  300 0.67 0.93 0.93 26.22 16.37 39.21 81.80 83.40
  301–  400 116.94 44.15 3.20 189.94 237.29 29.52 46.40 337.80 413.72 767.95
  401–  500 1 173.06 332.26 22.90 353.90 709.06 228.67 320.30 1 346.05 1 895.02 3 777.14
  501–  600 24.34 30.85 100.82 131.67 48.03 32.23 38.58 118.84 274.85
  601–  800 24.57 15.82 5.70 53.83 75.35 109.94 41.95 127.18 279.07 378.99
  801–1000 62.39 4.62 4.62 8.63 12.08 49.61 70.32 137.33
1001–1200 6.50 2.15 2.73 4.88 0.28 16.19 16.47 27.85
1201–1400 0.34 0.34 15.61 15.61 15.95
1401–1600 9.20 9.20 9.20
over 1600 0.33 0.33 3.00 0.87 0.62 4.49 4.82
Fruit–tree gaps, %
  5 and below 620.99 164.81 12.13 296.52 473.46 212.82 238.51 1 054.76 1 506.09 2 600.54
  6–10 268.08 102.68 1.01 121.04 224.73 99.11 90.59 283.68 473.38 966.19
11–25 184.67 90.13 9.27 95.09 194.49 119.28 73.30 358.46 551.04 930.20
26–30 159.69 15.80 0.48 49.43 65.71 2.54 18.48 134.03 155.05 380.45
31–50 7.22 52.15 8.67 89.31 150.13 32.17 27.65 167.07 226.89 384.24
over 50 167.81 2.36 62.99 65.35 11.26 35.25 36.64 83.15 316.31
Plantation status
poor 308.50 88.06 8.16 143.50 239.72 29.48 72.40 170.09 271.97 820.19
satisfactory 424.92 100.17 15.40 219.86 335.43 144.39 81.50 665.09 890.98 1 651.33
good 675.04 237.34 10.37 351.01 598.72 303.31 329.90 1 199.46 1 832.67 3 106.43
Orchard cultivating standard
not treated 111.72 89.91 54.67 144.58 8.33 1.08 35.99 45.40 301.70
poor 105.59 40.00 1.27 30.56 71.83 39.42 70.88 115.85 226.15 403.57
satisfactory 286.93 36.64 18.98 182.23 237.85 62.39 111.37 561.74 735.50 1 260.28
good 904.22 259.02 13.68 446.92 719.62 367.04 300.46 1 321.05 1 988.55 3 612.39

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008