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2. Characteristics of apple plantations by region, 2007
Denomination Central
Great Plain
and Northern
number, pcs 385 209 943 561 1 713 580 10 107 1 836 12 523 14 621
share, % 2.63 1.43 6.45 3.84 11.72 3.97 69.13 12.56 85.65 100.00
Gross area
size, hectare 1 676.54 755.98 2 554.70 1 260.61 4 571.29 3 547.07 21 524.02 3 587.07 28 658.16 34 906.00
share, % 4.80 2.17 7.32 3.61 13.10 10.16 61.66 10.28 82.10 100.00
Net area
size, hectare 1 599.97 722.14 2 414.62 1 213.75 4 350.51 3 414.56 20 979.99 3 448.04 27 842.59 33 793.07
share, % 4.73 2.14 7.15 3.59 12.87 10.10 62.08 10.20 82.39 100.00
Size of area, hectare
  below 0,5 24.37 21.84 98.87 72.26 192.97 34.60 1 392.71 189.80 1 617.11 1 834.45
  0,5–  0,99 52.51 11.90 104.71 72.12 188.73 92.88 872.43 275.55 1 240.86 1 482.10
  1,0–  2,99 197.01 59.96 421.96 158.94 640.86 230.96 2 817.73 847.71 3 896.40 4 734.27
  3,0–  5,99 159.65 217.59 397.47 276.31 891.37 267.56 3 443.27 507.13 4 217.96 5 268.98
  6,0–  9,99 247.63 58.38 251.70 84.76 394.84 239.37 2 843.00 500.21 3 582.58 4 225.05
10,0–14,99 219.55 90.05 287.48 104.49 482.02 409.61 2 915.57 342.92 3 668.10 4 369.67
15,0–19,99 171.92 255.81 52.75 308.56 323.06 1 839.76 392.81 2 555.63 3 036.11
20,0–24,99 167.37 45.28 193.67 46.34 285.29 314.38 867.58 237.15 1 419.11 1 871.77
25,0 and over 359.98 217.15 402.94 345.89 965.98 1 502.15 3 987.93 154.76 5 644.84 6 970.80
Age categories
  1 year and below 1.31 1.31 1.31
  2 years 3.70 7.00 7.00 86.36 86.36 97.06
  3 years 6.30 1.65 18.36 20.01 44.70 151.88 15.69 212.27 238.58
  4 years 130.35 23.10 58.59 11.31 93.00 175.80 1 051.31 31.43 1 258.54 1 481.89
  5–  9 years 349.89 219.62 372.62 206.02 798.26 1 181.48 5 262.02 879.09 7 322.59 8 470.74
10–14 years 427.37 102.80 891.17 171.35 1 165.32 472.53 2 865.06 787.37 4 124.96 5 717.65
15–24 years 434.08 365.77 164.73 82.86 613.36 364.12 2 970.74 819.62 4 154.48 5 201.92
25 years and over 248.28 9.20 902.15 742.21 1 653.56 1 175.93 8 591.31 914.83 10 682.07 12 583.91
Estimated year of grubbing,
2008–2010 475.76 64.44 875.94 357.98 1 298.36 778.31 6 466.15 1 187.11 8 431.57 10 205.69
2011–2015 497.44 334.08 669.46 279.53 1 283.07 647.05 3 393.63 565.97 4 606.65 6 387.16
2016–2020 441.17 181.05 400.43 293.80 875.28 446.04 2 888.25 941.12 4 275.41 5 591.86
after 2020 185.61 142.58 468.79 282.43 893.80 1 543.16 8 231.97 753.83 10 528.96 11 608.37
Slope of the terrain, %
flat 1 333.88 305.02 1 150.23 889.13 2 344.38 1 546.04 15 893.79 3 446.51 20 886.34 24 564.60
1  –4 132.74 286.19 937.05 261.98 1 485.22 859.38 4 591.47 1.53 5 452.38 7 070.34
5–  8 133.06 61.88 275.71 54.46 392.05 865.39 478.28 1 343.67 1 868.78
9–12 0.30 69.05 35.76 6.15 110.96 141.24 7.26 148.50 259.76
above 12 15.83 2.04 17.87 2.52 9.20 11.72 29.59
Orientation (if not a flat terrain)
East 2.00 161.41 38.54 201.95 340.45 1 095.44 1 435.89 1 637.84
South-East 27.51 57.95 177.82 98.60 334.37 696.20 567.10 0.88 1 264.18 1 626.06
South 36.78 32.47 170.99 29.21 232.67 87.80 605.26 693.06 962.51
South-West 46.03 7.52 284.34 93.77 385.63 379.43 1 258.06 1 637.49 2 069.15
West 94.26 74.95 297.33 45.11 417.39 71.72 691.94 763.66 1 275.31
North-West 134.27 73.01 3.05 210.33 101.78 251.64 353.42 563.75
North 3.18 31.59 11.01 2.86 45.46 12.41 474.11 0.65 487.17 535.81
North-East 58.33 76.37 88.46 13.47 178.30 178.73 142.64 321.37 558.00
Cultivation method
traditional 132.38 32.81 277.44 425.02 735.27 730.67 9 873.02 800.93 11 404.62 12 272.27
spinder bush 158.70 1.50 536.23 298.37 836.10 611.76 5 282.69 446.38 6 340.83 7 335.63
freestanding spindle 448.41 390.92 300.97 115.01 806.90 634.00 2 422.69 612.15 3 668.84 4 924.15
slender spindle 792.37 259.35 1 001.16 174.61 1 435.12 931.21 1 965.60 977.56 3 874.37 6 101.86
hedgerow 68.11 37.57 296.31 200.75 534.63 502.54 1 432.62 610.16 2 545.32 3 148.06
others 2.50 2.50 4.38 3.38 0.85 8.61 11.11
Support system
well kept 560.68 228.60 1 075.98 330.92 1 635.50 1 183.79 2 393.94 1 306.48 4 884.21 7 080.39
unattended 59.02 5.80 93.17 98.97 42.96 0.91 36.30 80.17 238.16
none 980.27 487.55 1 245.47 882.83 2 615.85 2 187.81 18 585.14 2 105.26 22 878.21 26 474.33
not irrigable 592.68 243.24 1 605.07 929.48 2 777.79 1 974.57 17 346.14 1 450.65 20 771.36 24 141.83
irrigable but not irrigated 234.54 183.23 62.38 110.34 355.95 253.35 964.53 673.31 1 891.19 2 481.68
irrigated 772.75 295.68 747.17 173.92 1 216.77 1 186.64 2 669.32 1 324.07 5 180.03 7 169.55
Irrigation method
drop type 804.82 290.88 743.99 106.38 1 141.25 1 311.90 2 423.68 1 134.65 4 870.23 6 816.30
micro-jet 54.93 54.93 0.58 302.42 152.44 455.44 510.37
sprinkler type 173.21 54.66 22.92 77.58 61.20 220.76 503.71 785.67 1 036.46
others 29.26 188.03 10.90 100.04 298.97 66.31 686.99 206.58 959.88 1 288.11
Density, pcs/hectare
  150 and below 0.46 25.87 6.64 32.51 6.86 1 758.30 17.65 1 782.81 1 815.78
  151–  250 8.09 78.31 103.51 181.82 323.57 2 291.43 123.48 2 738.48 2 928.39
  251–  300 281.75 219.05 500.80 155.76 1 123.28 52.63 1 331.67 1 832.47
  301–  400 28.80 9.01 246.05 78.17 333.23 318.99 3 429.56 239.47 3 988.02 4 350.05
  401–  500 106.60 142.88 84.11 90.66 317.65 254.77 4 965.49 287.20 5 507.46 5 931.71
  501–  600 176.59 7.70 80.38 183.79 271.87 491.87 2 717.52 136.89 3 346.28 3 794.74
  601–  800 140.85 39.80 277.07 333.25 650.12 692.16 1 855.03 993.68 3 540.87 4 331.84
  801–1000 216.78 166.86 134.13 23.00 323.99 282.97 750.43 784.89 1 818.29 2 359.06
1001–1200 109.51 2.72 12.97 11.14 26.83 59.53 29.99 68.16 157.68 294.02
1201–1400 312.65 34.00 16.80 50.80 46.17 194.59 177.57 418.33 781.78
1401–1600 87.73 8.53 0.68 9.21 0.45 44.16 50.65 95.26 192.20
1601–1800 88.86 151.60 29.96 32.76 214.32 101.64 51.05 51.19 203.88 507.06
1801–2000 44.24 11.60 171.03 12.38 195.01 71.82 73.34 66.24 211.40 450.65
2001–2250 167.55 157.80 116.11 2.35 276.26 174.85 299.81 56.14 530.80 974.61
2251–2500 79.23 6.00 158.68 28.21 192.89 302.13 933.59 172.95 1 408.67 1 680.79
over 2500 32.02 26.18 675.67 71.36 773.21 131.03 462.44 169.25 762.72 1 567.95
Fruit-tree gaps, %
  5 and below 1 020.48 455.94 1 477.81 451.60 2 385.35 1 827.10 15 695.42 1 980.35 19 502.87 22 908.70
  6–10 346.97 125.63 241.70 218.47 585.80 794.34 2 391.79 411.86 3 597.99 4 530.76
11–25 143.34 131.43 304.56 392.49 828.48 480.28 1 596.36 396.99 2 473.63 3 445.45
26–30 11.57 9.15 335.70 27.65 372.50 170.47 205.15 112.86 488.48 872.55
31–50 58.94 54.48 75.81 130.29 123.93 944.27 228.63 1 296.83 1 486.06
over 50 18.68 0.38 47.73 48.11 18.44 147.00 317.35 482.79 549.58
Plantation status
poor 200.50 11.60 731.20 81.29 824.09 405.54 2 436.48 653.35 3 495.37 4 519.96
satisfactory 475.04 74.19 424.06 263.11 761.36 635.97 6 729.47 1 086.89 8 452.33 9 688.73
good 924.43 636.36 1 259.36 869.34 2 765.06 2 373.05 11 814.04 1 707.80 15 894.89 19 584.38
Orchard cultivating standard
not treated 96.02 11.60 627.70 56.62 695.92 327.51 1 089.31 267.53 1 684.35 2 476.29
poor 114.95 1.50 221.70 40.76 263.96 53.94 1 964.46 303.14 2 321.54 2 700.45
satisfactory 359.32 69.75 404.84 296.50 771.09 653.06 6 938.09 903.00 8 494.15 9 624.56
good 1 029.69 639.29 1 160.38 819.87 2 619.54 2 380.05 10 988.13 1 974.36 15 342.54 18 991.77

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008