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1.9. Number of holdings by size class of gross production value, group of legal forms and region, 2007 – Agricultural enterprises –** 1/2
Territorial unit Size classes of gross production value
≤ 600 601–
1 500
1 501–
3 000
3 001–
9 500
9 501–
13 000
13 001–
30 000
1 000 HUF
Central Hungary 145 98 64 138 46 108
Central Transdanubia 129 80 83 129 28 116
Western Transdanubia 159 102 95 152 49 139
Southern Transdanubia 167 154 132 217 60 150
Transdanubia 455 336 310 498 137 405
Northern Hungary 122 122 110 213 64 125
Northern Great Plain 142 109 114 249 77 220
Southern Great Plain 172 114 113 215 74 172
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 436 345 337 677 215 517
Total 1 036 779 711 1 313 398 1 030
*Excluding holdings with GPV = 0. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008