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1.11. Number of holdings by size class of gross production value, type of farming and region, 2007 – Crop farming –** 1/2
Territorial unit Size classes of gross production value
≤ 600 601–
1 500
1 501–
3 000
3 001–
9 500
9 501–
13 000
13 001–
30 000
1 000 HUF
Central Hungary 23 765 999 379 614 124 175
Central Transdanubia 28 629 981 439 682 111 197
Western Transdanubia 33 081 970 506 479 98 198
Southern Transdanubia 36 428 1 289 737 835 147 305
Transdanubia 98 138 3 240 1 682 1 996 356 700
Northern Hungary 38 264 1 686 673 738 134 200
Northern Great Plain 58 042 4 152 1 858 1 847 298 424
Southern Great Plain 35 258 4 005 1 944 1 581 234 350
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 131 564 9 843 4 475 4 166 666 974
Total 253 467 14 082 6 536 6 776 1 146 1 849
*Excluding holdings with GPV = 0. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008