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1.13. Number of holdings by size class of gross production value, type of farming and region, 2007 – Mixed farming –** 1/2
Territorial unit Size classes of gross production value
≤ 600 601–
1 500
1 501–
3 000
3 001–
9 500
9 501–
13 000
13 001–
30 000
ezer Ft
Central Hungary 10 361 1 728 675 469 60 41
Central Transdanubia 10 304 1 808 851 767 68 128
Western Transdanubia 12 467 2 197 1 110 971 114 149
Southern Transdanubia 17 460 2 964 1 217 886 129 165
Transdanubia 40 231 6 969 3 178 2 624 311 442
Northern Hungary 13 346 1 920 748 694 61 81
Northern Great Plain 30 701 8 808 3 550 2 569 340 272
Southern Great Plain 28 809 10 537 4 812 3 264 282 378
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 72 856 21 265 9 110 6 527 683 731
Total 123 448 29 962 12 963 9 620 1 054 1 214
*Excluding holdings with GPV = 0. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008