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1.20. Gross production value by size class, group of legal forms and region, 2007 – Private holdings –** 1/2
(million HUF)
Territorial unit Size classes of gross production value
≤ 600 601–
1 500
1 501–
3 000
3 001–
9 500
9 501–
13 000
13 001–
30 000
1 000 HUF
Central Hungary 6 138 2 685 2 157 5 379 1 496 2 315
Central Transdanubia 5 999 2 879 2 719 6 996 1 807 4 201
Western Transdanubia 7 020 3 333 3 415 7 268 1 814 4 093
Southern Transdanubia 9 266 4 327 4 285 8 183 2 539 6 001
Transdanubia 22 285 10 538 10 419 22 447 6 159 14 296
Northern Hungary 9 653 3 623 2 845 6 300 1 525 3 074
Northern Great Plain 20 485 12 746 11 429 21 538 6 281 8 897
Southern Great Plain 17 841 14 709 14 357 23 383 5 028 10 386
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 47 979 31 078 28 630 51 221 12 833 22 357
Total 76 403 44 301 41 206 79 046 20 488 38 968
*Excluding holdings with GPV = 0. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008