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2.8. Land area by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 267 520 233 128 216 716 233 047 261 817 227 390 500 567 494 945 444 106
Central Transdanubia 224 673 424 036 426 535 492 481 349 298 342 239 717 154 773 334 768 774
Western Transdanubia 342 409 414 176 410 109 497 641 355 971 328 047 840 050 770 147 738 156
Southern Transdanubia 309 582 355 621 444 832 686 759 542 311 463 165 996 341 897 932 907 997
Transdanubia 876 664 1 193 833 1 281 476 1 676 881 1 247 580 1 133 451 2 553 545 2 441 413 2 414 927
Northern Hungary 471 694 529 983 537 922 358 295 250 712 225 853 829 989 780 695 763 775
Northern Great Plain 393 308 467 100 483 251 831 458 684 670 688 584 1 224 766 1 151 770 1 171 835
Southern Great Plain 470 804 592 564 573 474 845 407 663 021 611 181 1 316 211 1 255 585 1 184 655
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 1 335 806 1 589 647 1 594 647 2 035 160 1 598 403 1 525 618 3 370 966 3 188 050 3 120 265
Total 2 479 990 3 016 608 3 092 839 3 945 088 3 107 800 2 886 459 6 425 078 6 124 408 5 979 298
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008