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2.9. Number of holdings using productive land area by group of legal forms and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural enterprises Private holdings Total
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 440 691 662 77 328 59 962 55 605 77 768 60 653 56 267
Central Transdanubia 683 837 719 88 021 61 226 51 692 88 704 62 063 52 411
Western Transdanubia 755 979 883 99 728 76 357 59 267 100 483 77 336 60 150
Southern Transdanubia 1 041 1 227 1 122 119 707 86 968 71 474 120 748 88 195 72 596
Transdanubia 2 479 3 043 2 724 307 456 224 551 182 433 309 935 227 594 185 157
Northern Hungary 683 941 901 132 315 85 807 75 067 132 998 86 748 75 968
Northern Great Plain 928 1 266 1 203 210 174 154 231 134 906 211 102 155 497 136 109
Southern Great Plain 861 1 145 1 118 197 518 134 700 116 573 198 379 135 845 117 691
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 2 472 3 352 3 222 540 007 374 738 326 546 542 479 378 090 329 768
Total 5 391 7 086 6 608 924 791 659 251 564 584 930 182 666 337 571 192

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008