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2.11. Number of private holdings using productive land area by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 33 636 26 226 25 613 22 504 16 603 13 287 56 140 42 829 38 900
Central Transdanubia 44 012 37 018 30 594 28 651 16 825 13 895 72 663 53 843 44 489
Western Transdanubia 49 921 45 554 34 742 40 053 24 692 16 982 89 974 70 246 51 724
Southern Transdanubia 54 765 46 943 39 006 50 033 30 172 22 756 104 798 77 115 61 762
Transdanubia 148 698 129 515 104 342 118 737 71 689 53 633 267 435 201 204 157 975
Northern Hungary 59 983 48 801 41 033 42 821 21 776 16 813 102 804 70 577 57 846
Northern Great Plain 78 138 74 432 65 963 88 175 56 584 46 171 166 313 131 016 112 134
Southern Great Plain 65 277 51 048 42 667 88 410 57 234 48 022 153 687 108 282 90 689
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 203 398 174 281 149 663 219 406 135 594 111 006 422 804 309 875 260 669
Total 385 732 330 022 279 618 360 647 223 886 177 926 746 379 553 908 457 544
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008