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2.14. Productive land area of private holdings by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 88 820 59 799 78 209 93 956 74 523 56 341 182 776 134 322 134 550
Central Transdanubia 76 167 93 524 107 229 149 678 97 367 98 379 225 845 190 891 205 608
Western Transdanubia 80 816 118 146 93 164 172 435 136 930 112 888 253 251 255 076 206 052
Southern Transdanubia 113 429 116 402 140 758 198 464 134 340 121 886 311 893 250 742 262 644
Transdanubia 270 412 328 072 341 151 520 577 368 637 333 153 790 989 696 709 674 304
Northern Hungary 101 188 109 443 126 898 168 562 126 046 99 427 269 750 235 489 226 325
Northern Great Plain 194 371 239 884 257 080 422 668 326 107 308 600 617 039 565 991 565 680
Southern Great Plain 210 552 231 423 230 926 462 241 398 222 341 032 672 793 629 645 571 958
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 506 111 580 750 614 904 1 053 471 850 375 749 059 1 559 582 1 431 125 1 363 963
Total 865 343 968 621 1 034 264 1 668 004 1 293 535 1 138 553 2 533 347 2 262 156 2 172 817
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008