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2.15. Number of holdings using productive land area by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 33 968 26 797 26 142 22 612 16 723 13 420 56 580 43 520 39 562
Central Transdanubia 44 500 37 676 31 139 28 846 17 004 14 069 73 346 54 680 45 208
Western Transdanubia 50 461 46 342 35 439 40 268 24 883 17 168 90 729 71 225 52 607
Southern Transdanubia 55 552 47 959 39 912 50 287 30 383 22 972 105 839 78 342 62 884
Transdanubia 150 513 131 977 106 490 119 401 72 270 54 209 269 914 204 247 160 699
Northern Hungary 60 520 49 627 41 800 42 967 21 891 16 947 103 487 71 518 58 747
Northern Great Plain 78 760 75 398 66 861 88 481 56 884 46 476 167 241 132 282 113 337
Southern Great Plain 65 882 51 967 43 546 88 666 57 459 48 261 154 548 109 426 91 807
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 205 162 176 992 152 207 220 114 136 234 111 684 425 276 313 226 263 891
Total 389 643 335 766 284 839 362 127 225 227 179 313 751 770 560 993 464 152
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008