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2.25. Number of holdings using arable land area by group of legal forms and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural enterprises Private holdings Total
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 352 494 477 42 319 31 898 27 133 42 671 32 392 27 610
Central Transdanubia 470 508 477 52 188 34 244 28 570 52 658 34 752 29 047
Western Transdanubia 581 711 665 74 257 51 986 34 220 74 838 52 697 34 885
Southern Transdanubia 606 715 673 84 990 60 488 47 064 85 596 61 203 47 737
Transdanubia 1 657 1 934 1 815 211 435 146 718 109 854 213 092 148 652 111 669
Northern Hungary 410 472 480 73 605 40 452 33 130 74 015 40 924 33 610
Northern Great Plain 771 1 009 983 143 575 102 876 89 110 144 346 103 885 90 093
Southern Great Plain 758 976 960 125 409 89 219 74 165 126 167 90 195 75 125
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 1 939 2 457 2 423 342 589 232 547 196 405 344 528 235 004 198 828
Total 3 948 4 885 4 715 596 343 411 163 333 392 600 291 416 048 338 107

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008