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2.31. Number of holdings using arable land area by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 22 667 15 323 15 056 17 837 14 101 11 161 40 504 29 424 26 217
Central Transdanubia 26 986 19 370 15 426 23 443 14 183 12 194 50 429 33 553 27 620
Western Transdanubia 36 200 28 332 18 947 36 137 22 246 14 605 72 337 50 578 33 552
Southern Transdanubia 39 206 32 435 26 576 43 624 26 643 19 725 82 830 59 078 46 301
Transdanubia 102 392 80 137 60 949 103 204 63 072 46 524 205 596 143 209 107 473
Northern Hungary 34 528 21 912 18 632 33 634 16 357 12 968 68 162 38 269 31 600
Northern Great Plain 59 014 50 109 45 390 78 892 50 265 41 737 137 906 100 374 87 127
Southern Great Plain 47 120 36 835 30 939 76 651 50 951 42 535 123 771 87 786 73 474
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 140 662 108 856 94 961 189 177 117 573 97 240 329 839 226 429 192 201
Total 265 721 204 316 170 966 310 218 194 746 154 925 575 939 399 062 325 891
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008