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2.36. Number of agricultural enterprises using land area by land use category, type of farming and region, 2007 – Crop farming – 1/2
Territorial unit Number of holdings using
orchard vineyard meadow pasture grassland
Central Hungary 367 6 119 63 58 44 98 491
Central Transdanubia 322 3 45 61 76 41 102 400
Western Transdanubia 489 1 64 38 82 27 99 553
Southern Transdanubia 485 1 63 150 89 55 135 638
Transdanubia 1 296 5 172 249 247 123 336 1 591
Northern Hungary 358 2 120 128 51 63 101 526
Northern Great Plain 708 6 210 9 107 98 189 830
Southern Great Plain 740 2 119 72 72 90 156 851
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 1 806 10 449 209 230 251 446 2 207
Total 3 469 21 740 521 535 418 880 4 289

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008