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2.38. Number of private holdings using land area by land use category, type of farming and region, 2007 – Crop farming – 1/2
Territorial unit Number of holdings using
orchard vineyard meadow pasture grassland
Central Hungary 14 689 12 586 5 896 7 316 723 171 885 25 179
Central Transdanubia 15 104 14 347 4 507 15 886 970 227 1 144 30 423
Western Transdanubia 18 458 24 232 7 216 17 652 1 320 92 1 403 34 039
Southern Transdanubia 26 091 23 078 5 551 14 124 973 203 1 130 38 501
Transdanubia 59 653 61 657 17 274 47 662 3 263 522 3 677 102 963
Northern Hungary 18 274 25 479 12 687 15 101 1 050 347 1 363 40 888
Northern Great Plain 44 682 35 475 25 116 5 467 567 436 963 65 538
Southern Great Plain 30 199 15 527 6 340 8 841 1 342 905 2 186 41 711
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 93 155 76 481 44 143 29 409 2 959 1 688 4 512 148 137
Total 167 497 150 724 67 313 84 387 6 945 2 381 9 074 276 279

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008