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2.44. Land area of agricultural enterprises by type of farming, land use category and region, 2007 – Mixed farming – 1/2
Territorial unit Number of holdings using
orchard vineyard meadow pasture grassland
Central Hungary 56 296 0 1 500 110 8 980 19 986 28 966 86 872
Central Transdanubia 133 219 0 164 572 9 533 21 997 31 530 165 485
Western Transdanubia 124 107 3 134 21 13 074 6 966 20 040 144 305
Southern Transdanubia 182 896 1 195 491 7 993 8 451 16 444 200 027
Transdanubia 440 222 4 493 1 084 30 600 37 414 68 014 509 817
Northern Hungary 91 866 0 276 209 6 550 16 121 22 671 115 022
Northern Great Plain 177 577 1 1 162 26 20 758 51 672 72 430 251 196
Southern Great Plain 160 847 1 392 170 12 782 20 514 33 296 194 706
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 430 290 2 1 830 405 40 090 88 307 128 397 560 924
Total 926 808 6 3 823 1 599 79 670 145 707 225 377 1 157 613

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008