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3.4. Harvested area of field crops by region and type of farming, 2007 – Crop farming –
Territorial unit Cereals Potatoes Dried
Vegetables Other field
Field crops,
harvested area
Central Hungary 87 370 2 313 86 38 120 3 125 2 457 416 133 887
Central Transdanubia 151 247 444 1 465 43 751 5 070 487 545 203 009
Western Transdanubia 135 511 596 563 46 271 3 870 529 4 631 191 971
Southern Transdanubia 228 318 578 980 47 815 2 514 1 526 693 282 424
Transdanubia 515 076 1 618 3 008 137 837 11 454 2 542 5 869 677 404
Northern Hungary 107 186 1 076 508 56 200 2 692 1 236 496 169 394
Northern Great Plain 226 601 2 324 1 002 83 705 6 552 18 889 795 339 868
Southern Great Plain 245 076 1 970 1 681 88 128 10 197 16 162 3 369 366 583
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 578 863 5 370 3 191 228 033 19 441 36 287 4 660 875 845
Total 1 181 309 9 301 6 285 403 990 34 020 41 286 10 945 1 687 136
a)Strawberry and tree nursery are included. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008