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3.11. Harvested area, harvested production and average yield of field crops by group of legal forms, 2007 – Agricultural enterprises –
Territorial unit Harvested area,
Harvested production,
Average yield,
Cereals 1 151 045 4 127 106
Wheat (including durum wheat) 512 762 1 836 065 3 580
Meslin 28 143 5 110
Maize 439 284 1 686 793 3 840
Rice 2 303 8 854 3 840
Barley 140 759 472 483 3 360
Rye 9 104 19 748 2 170
Oats 11 219 18 621 1 660
Triticale 26 053 72 249 2 770
Other cereals (millet, buckwheat, sorghum, canary seed, Indian rice) 9 533 12 150
Potatoes 3 163 67 980 21 490
Dried pulses 9 962 23 087
Bean 194 152 780
Peas 9 366 22 386 2 390
of which:
for human consumption 5 890 14 651 2 490
for fodder 3 476 7 735 2 230
Lentils 10 15 1 500
Broad bean 197 347 1 760
Lupin 195 187 960
Other dried pulses
Industrial plants 410 363 2 006 329
Soya-bean 20 331 33 333 1 640
Sunflower seed 196 400 420 175 2 140
Rape seed 150 850 338 619 2 240
Linseed 823 974 1 180
Poppy seed 1 531 792 520
Tobacco leaves 2 183 2 827 1 300
Sugar-beet 28 153 1 193 268 42 390
Hemp for fibre 5 6 1 200
Other industrial plants 10 087 16 335
Fodder plants 173 702 2 042 778
Silage maize and green maize 82 744 1 601 007 19 350
Mixed green fodder harvested in winter 548 3 928 7 170
Mixed green fodder harvested in spring 763 4 362 5 720
Grass (in hay weight) 6 204 11 969 1 930
Lucerne hay 69 143 325 445 4 700
Red clover hay 902 2 472 2 740
Other fodder plants 13 398 93 595
Other field crops 10 745 3 534
Lucernamag / Lucerne seed 901 247 250
Seeds of grass 3 043 1 185 390
Other field crops 6 801 2 102

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008