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5.1. Number of holdings with fruit and berry plantation by group of legal forms and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural enterprises Private holdings Total
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 91 132 137 9 622 6 474 7 165 9 713 6 606 7 302
Central Transdanubia 48 51 50 6 770 5 520 5 124 6 818 5 571 5 174
Western Transdanubia 71 86 75 20 558 12 058 9 167 20 629 12 144 9 242
Southern Transdanubia 51 80 78 16 393 9 073 7 371 16 444 9 153 7 449
Transdanubia 170 217 203 43 721 26 651 21 662 43 891 26 868 21 865
Northern Hungary 70 131 133 25 695 19 065 15 334 25 765 19 196 15 467
Northern Great Plain 158 262 245 44 669 43 753 36 099 44 827 44 015 36 344
Southern Great Plain 96 151 142 16 836 13 692 10 393 16 932 13 843 10 535
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 324 544 520 87 200 76 510 61 826 87 524 77 054 62 346
Total 585 893 860 140 543 109 635 90 653 141 128 110 528 91 513

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008