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6.1. Number of vine–growing holdings by group of legal forms and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural enterprises Private holdings Total
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 34 64 66 12 955 10 204 9 637 12 989 10 268 9 703
Central Transdanubia 47 72 70 28 998 25 155 20 326 29 045 25 227 20 396
Western Transdanubia 40 60 43 34 175 32 335 24 174 34 215 32 395 24 217
Southern Transdanubia 80 171 161 37 017 27 816 21 486 37 097 27 987 21 647
Transdanubia 167 303 274 100 190 85 306 65 986 100 357 85 609 66 260
Northern Hungary 56 144 134 36 414 24 852 18 655 36 470 24 996 18 789
Northern Great Plain 14 15 15 19 909 11 683 8 630 19 923 11 698 8 645
Southern Great Plain 45 88 80 28 021 17 526 15 712 28 066 17 614 15 792
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 115 247 229 84 344 54 061 42 997 84 459 54 308 43 226
Total 316 614 569 197 489 149 571 118 620 197 805 150 185 119 189

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008