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7.10. Number of holdings applying chemical fertilizers by land use category, region and type of farming, 2007 – Mixed farming –
Territorial unit Land use categories
arable land orchard vineyard grassland
Central Hungary 3 978 152 146 62
Central Transdanubia 6 497 50 876 125
Western Transdanubia 9 379 181 1 088 150
Southern Transdanubia 12 483 360 1 249 145
Transdanubia 28 359 591 3 213 420
Northern Hungary 5 925 489 379 19
Northern Great Plain 29 633 4 273 431 274
Southern Great Plain 25 861 891 1 760 232
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 61 419 5 653 2 570 525
Total 93 756 6 396 5 929 1 007

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008