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7.25. Area treated with chemical fertilizers by land use category, region and type of farming, 2007 – Mixed farming –
Territorial unit Land use categories
arable land orchard vineyard grassland
Central Hungary 69 039 469 48 607
Central Transdanubia 175 665 202 296 777
Western Transdanubia 182 242 346 171 2 107
Southern Transdanubia 252 867 167 517 1 390
Transdanubia 610 774 715 984 4 274
Northern Hungary 124 271 1 104 247 1 088
Northern Great Plain 317 774 4 384 140 1 282
Southern Great Plain 307 709 1 553 2 488 1 083
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 749 754 7 041 2 875 3 453
Total 1 429 567 8 225 3 907 8 334

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008