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8.10. Livestock by species and region, 1st December 2007 – Agricultural holdings, total –
Territorial unit Cattle Of which: Sheep Of which:
Goats Pigs Of which:
Broilers Laying
Cows of which:
Dairy cows
Central Hungary 61 813 24 307 19 491 72 488 57 647 5 585 189 712 12 914 407 433 1 194 061
Central Transdanubia 89 706 43 048 35 002 106 838 85 847 5 649 393 024 25 853 1 023 860 2 364 342
Western Transdanubia 107 563 45 509 39 430 29 416 22 467 5 341 291 886 21 209 799 388 1 317 120
Southern Transdanubia 81 740 38 367 31 825 103 329 81 252 6 464 717 739 45 163 1 580 678 1 219 696
Transdanubia 279 009 126 924 106 257 239 583 189 566 17 454 1 402 649 92 225 3 403 926 4 901 158
Northern Hungary 60 811 31 641 21 914 88 518 69 223 9 365 201 219 13 198 600 395 1 381 523
Northern Great Plain 164 408 75 385 62 301 545 553 447 715 18 286 990 949 66 055 3 875 233 2 871 245
Southern Great Plain 139 036 64 112 56 156 285 863 212 635 16 581 1 086 618 74 937 1 488 634 2 295 856
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 364 255 171 138 140 371 919 934 729 573 44 232 2 278 786 154 190 5 964 262 6 548 624
Total 705 077 322 369 266 119 1 232 005 976 786 67 271 3 871 147 259 329 9 775 621 12 643 843

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008