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8.83. Number of sheep by size class, region and type of farming, 1st December 2007 – Livestock farming –
Territorial unit Size classes of sheep Total
1–2 3–9 10–19 20–49 50–99 100–199 200–499 500–999 1 000 ≤
Central Hungary 512 653 384 45 219 656 2 469
Central Transdanubia 363 747 1 012 340 1 491 355 1 418 1 009 6 735
Western Transdanubia 47 489 781 696 70 3 172 5 255
Southern Transdanubia 259 1 025 870 940 501 690 5 071 9 356
Transdanubia 669 2 261 2 663 1 976 2 062 1 045 5 071 1 418 4 181 21 346
Northern Hungary 281 662 487 752 1 186 1 478 4 846
Northern Great Plain 1 209 3 615 3 014 3 201 4 251 5 649 3 448 715 25 102
Southern Great Plain 1 095 5 123 2 839 2 710 1 430 447 727 519 6 601 21 491
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 2 585 9 400 6 340 6 663 6 867 7 574 4 175 1 234 6 601 51 439
Total 3 766 12 314 9 387 8 684 8 929 8 838 9 902 2 652 10 782 75 254

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008