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8.87. Number of ewes by size class, region and group of legal forms,
1st December 2007 – Private holdings –
Territorial unit Size classes of ewes Total
1–2 3–9 10–19 20–49 50–99 100–199 200–499 500–999 1 000 ≤
Central Hungary 120 618 583 492 938 3 223 22 233 14 522 42 729
Central Transdanubia 266 1 364 1 425 2 331 1 500 5 291 17 827 27 695 57 699
Western Transdanubia 65 1 283 1 029 1 034 737 1 529 4 513 4 937 15 127
Southern Transdanubia 500 2 472 2 384 2 558 4 788 8 115 25 423 28 235 1 387 75 862
Transdanubia 831 5 119 4 838 5 923 7 025 14 935 47 763 33 172 29 082 148 688
Northern Hungary 180 1 355 1 815 6 079 6 613 12 945 25 128 6 693 60 808
Northern Great Plain 1 278 7 674 8 733 23 080 36 688 66 740 121 458 79 413 57 694 402 758
Southern Great Plain 2 007 13 259 12 093 20 567 19 837 25 323 56 620 41 533 5 321 196 560
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 3 465 22 288 22 641 49 726 63 138 105 008 203 206 127 639 63 015 660 126
Total 4 416 28 025 28 062 56 141 71 101 123 166 273 202 175 333 92 097 851 543

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008