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8.92. Number of pigs by size class, region and group of legal forms,
1st December 2007 – Private holdings –
Territorial unit Size classes of pigs
1–2 3–9 10–49 50–99 100–199 200–399
Central Hungary 29 025 20 049 18 577 3 310 3 483 1 916
Central Transdanubia 18 924 24 689 31 603 9 383 3 920 7 514
Western Transdanubia 19 810 21 483 41 109 16 922 18 708 7 385
Southern Transdanubia 28 054 39 727 56 415 12 253 4 331 6 259
Transdanubia 66 788 85 899 129 127 38 558 26 959 21 158
Northern Hungary 32 640 24 455 16 340 2 862 1 493
Northern Great Plain 61 795 81 872 94 745 18 937 10 314 5 809
Southern Great Plain 66 354 110 849 179 865 38 826 17 004 24 707
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 160 789 217 176 290 950 60 625 28 811 30 516
Total 256 602 323 124 438 654 102 493 59 253 53 590

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008