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8.98. Number of breeding sows by size class, region and type of farming,
1st December 2007 – Livestock farming –
Territorial unit Size classes of breeding sows
1–2 3–9 10–49 50–99 100–199 200–399
Central Hungary 352 197 139 200
Central Transdanubia 878 203 45 168 275
Western Transdanubia 704 644 211 220 296 295
Southern Transdanubia 1 339 328 310 276 548 645
Transdanubia 2 921 1 175 566 664 1 119 940
Northern Hungary 605 155 186 149 296
Northern Great Plain 3 124 441 258 192 220 2 479
Southern Great Plain 4 105 573 619 223 677 1 051
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 7 834 1 169 1 063 564 897 3 826
Total 11 107 2 541 1 768 1 228 2 016 4 966

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008