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9.8. Number of private holders by agricultural training and region, 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural training Total
none only practical
basic level secondary university
Central Hungary 8 680 47 156 2 492 2 090 850 61 267
Central Transdanubia 8 041 39 947 2 722 3 326 1 136 55 173
Western Transdanubia 3 824 50 881 2 628 3 033 960 61 326
Southern Transdanubia 7 782 58 199 4 206 5 003 1 677 76 867
Transdanubia 19 648 149 028 9 556 11 362 3 772 193 366
Northern Hungary 14 875 57 674 3 169 3 735 1 542 80 995
Northern Great Plain 10 903 117 689 10 568 7 441 2 371 148 971
Southern Great Plain 15 413 96 384 9 749 9 847 2 673 134 066
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 41 191 271 748 23 486 21 022 6 585 364 033
Total 69 519 467 932 35 534 34 474 11 207 618 666

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008