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9.11. Number of private holders by economic activity and region, 2007
Territorial unit Employed Unemployed Retired Receive
Student Other Total
Central Hungary 27 029 955 30 624 279 26 2 354 61 267
Central Transdanubia 25 029 810 26 852 138 65 2 279 55 173
Western Transdanubia 27 228 1 095 30 567 120 43 2 273 61 326
Southern Transdanubia 30 030 3 921 38 905 367 14 3 630 76 867
Transdanubia 82 286 5 827 96 324 625 122 8 182 193 366
Northern Hungary 31 741 4 074 41 017 312 82 3 769 80 995
Northern Great Plain 59 188 6 928 73 326 802 105 8 622 148 971
Southern Great Plain 58 237 4 194 63 537 719 70 7 309 134 066
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 149 166 15 196 177 881 1 832 257 19 700 364 033
Total 258 481 21 978 304 829 2 736 405 30 237 618 666

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008