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9.13. Number of male private holders by economic activity and region, 2007
Territorial unit Employed Unemployed Retired Receive
Student Other Total
Central Hungary 22 346 707 20 331 38 26 1 768 45 216
Central Transdanubia 21 683 722 19 218 10 48 1 861 43 544
Western Transdanubia 24 001 865 21 273 15 18 1 941 48 112
Southern Transdanubia 25 988 3 115 27 055 91 9 2 985 59 244
Transdanubia 71 672 4 703 67 546 117 76 6 787 150 900
Northern Hungary 27 031 3 347 27 319 82 53 2 897 60 730
Northern Great Plain 52 107 5 978 49 911 122 59 7 068 115 245
Southern Great Plain 48 902 3 280 44 054 101 26 5 827 102 190
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 128 040 12 604 121 285 306 139 15 793 278 166
Total 222 057 18 014 209 162 461 240 24 347 474 282

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008