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9.19. Number of male private holders by other gainful activity and region, 2007
Territorial unit Other gainful activity outside the farm
none major occupation subsidiary occupation total
Central Hungary 24 629 20 091 496 45 216
Central Transdanubia 23 739 19 314 491 43 544
Western Transdanubia 25 730 21 988 394 48 112
Southern Transdanubia 34 978 23 808 458 59 244
Transdanubia 84 447 65 109 1 344 150 900
Northern Hungary 35 310 24 548 873 60 730
Northern Great Plain 66 698 47 147 1 400 115 245
Southern Great Plain 61 804 38 816 1 570 102 190
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 163 811 110 511 3 843 278 166
Total 272 888 195 711 5 683 474 282

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008