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9.58. Number of male non-family labour regularly employed by working time, region and type of farming, 2007 – Mixed farming –
Territorial unit Working time Total
≤ 55 56–112 113–168 169–224 225 ≤
Central Hungary 76 102 106 316 1 665 2 265
Central Transdanubia 241 1 066 274 1 057 3 387 6 025
Western Transdanubia 182 190 218 1 124 2 855 4 569
Southern Transdanubia 313 265 370 1 548 5 774 8 270
Transdanubia 736 1 521 862 3 729 12 017 18 865
Northern Hungary 96 172 155 659 2 042 3 124
Northern Great Plain 255 347 447 1 854 5 998 8 902
Southern Great Plain 348 330 413 1 761 5 911 8 764
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 699 850 1 015 4 274 13 951 20 790
Total 1 511 2 473 1 984 8 319 27 632 41 920

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008