Last update: 4 March 2015

The monthly representative price observation concerns about 1350 economic enterprises and nearly 5900 products. The observed price, in case of domestic sale, is a basic price since 1994, excluding value added tax, and including price supplement belonging to turnover; in case of external trade turnover, it is a price at border parity converted into forint at the actual rate of exchange, valid on the day of fulfilment.

Producer price index: a weighted average of price indices of domestic sales and export sales.

Price index of domestic sales: an index calculated from net price receipts of products sold inland using base periods as weights.

Price index of export sales: an index calculated from the price receipts of products sold directly-, through an agent-, or in a joint venture to external trade using base periods as weights.

Calculation method: as a first step a chain relative number had been calculated by representatives of the respective month. Following this the commodity-group indices were determined as arithmetic means of price ratios, then price indices by branches were calculated as weighted arithmetic means of commodity-group price indices. The weight was the annual sales value of the respective product group to a respective destination of sales of two years before.

As the weights are annually changed the effects of weighting system are also reflected in the base indices of aggregates.

Grouping by use: since 1998 it is done according to the recommendations (on 3 digit level) of the European Union in harmony with special branch classification. From 2000 the EU modified the contain of some groups of MIG (Main Industrial Grouping). From these the most significant change is that the division 41 collection, purification and distribution of water belongs to group Energy producer branches instead of group Intermediate goods producer branches, as before.

The updated branch classification of the Hungarian Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities’98 was introduced in the industrial price index computation in January 1999 and since then industrial producer price indices are calculated on its basis. The HSICEA’98 fully conforms to the EU NACE Rev.1. (4-digit level). From January 2009 the classification is based on HSICEA’08, which is consistent with NACE Rev. 2.

Data suppliers: selected corporations listed to Mining (B), Manufacturing (C), Energy industry (D), Water and waste management (E).