Published on: 28 February 2020

Investments increased by 5.9% in the 4th quarter of 2019

In the 4th quarter of 2019 the national economy’s investments expanded by 5.9%. The slow-down in the rate of expansion was primarily the result of the fall-back of investments in the predominant manufacturing - within it partly in the manufacture of motor vehicles. In the majority of service sections investments grew above the national average. In 2019 the volume of investments grew by 14%, reaching its highest level so far.

In the 4th quarter of 2019, seasonally adjusted:

The seasonally adjusted volume of investments exceeded the previous quarter’s by 0.3%, that of the average of the quarters of 2015 by 56%.

In the 4th quarter of 2019 compared to the same period of the previous year:

The volume of investment activity rose by 5.9%, within it construction investments representing more than six-tenth of the total volume of investments rose by 8.9%, investments in machinery and equipment representing nearly four-tenth of the total value of investments increased by 1.6%. The rates of expansion measured in both construction investments and investments in machinery and equipment were remarkably less than the growth rates measured in the previous periods.

In the case of enterprises employing at least 50 person and realising 56% of investments the volume of developments increased at a more moderate rate compared to the previous periods: by 5.6%. At the same time in the case of budgetary units realising 16% of investments following the stagnation in the previous quarter investments volume grew by 9.9%.

Developments in manufacturing – amounting to more than a quarter of investments in the national economy and representing the largest weight – decreased by 5.5% in the current quarter. The volume of developments declined outstandingly in the field of manufacture of motor vehicles, but remissions have been recorded in most of the sub-sections including in the manufacture of food products. At the same time due to ongoing high-volume projects, the expansion was outstanding in the manufacture of electrical equipment as well as in the manufacture of machinery and equipment.

Investment activity rose in the decisive majority of the national economy’s sections. Investment performance of the second largest investor: real-estate activities, representing close to one-fifth of the national economy’s investments grew by 16%; within it beside the considerable expansion in dwelling constructions, investment in business facilities for rent (e.g. shopping centres, warehouses) registered an outstanding growth as well.

Investment volume in transportation and storage, considered the third largest investor grew at a more low-key pace than in the previous periods: by 7.4% mainly as a result of ongoing infrastructural developments (road, motorway, cycle path and railway constructions), but among others enterprises operating in road transport increased their investments, too.

Investments grew in public administration, defence and compulsory social security – as a result of developments conducted by central public administration institutions – by 18%, in the field of arts, entertainment and recreation – due to sports and culture related projects – by 14%. In the section of water supply and waste management due to waste management projects financed partially from EU funds and developments conducted by regional utility companies investments increased as well: by 7.2%. The volume increase of investments in education was 1.2% and in human health and social work activities 4.3%.

Developments grew considerably in several sections representing a relatively small weight as well. In the expansion of developments of the energy industry (22%) high-scale investments related to nuclear energy played once again a role, in the field of accommodation and food service activities (14%) hotel constructions and renovations contributed in turn to the growth. In the field of administrative and support service activities the above average increase (27%) is related to the intense expansion in machinery and motor vehicles acquisition by leasing companies.

Investment outlay of national economy

Section Quarter 4 of 2019 Quarters 1 - 4 of 2019
at current prices,million HUF volume index, corresponding period of previous year=100.0% at current prices,million HUF volume index, corresponding period of previous year=100.0%
Total3 752 222 105.9 10 555 710 113.9
Of which*:
manufacturing947 87394.52 831 310116.1
real estate activities730 922115.61 841 465116.9
transportation and storage602 573107.41 720 074115.1
public administration and defence; compulsory social security 269 627118.3670 314104.6
wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles159 84894.1498 697101.9
agriculture, forestry and fishing118 75893.2419 819108.5

*Data of the six largest sections based on the whole year’s investment performance.

In 2019 compared to the previous year:

The volume of investments in the national economy grew by 14%, within it the volume of construction investments grew by 16%, investments in machinery and equipment increased by 11%.

Investment performance grew in the case of enterprises employing at least 50 persons, providing almost six-tenth of investments by 20% and in the case of the budgetary units by 11%.

Among the most important investing sections investment volume grew in manufacturing –being responsible for more than a quarter of total investments - by 16%, in real estate activities by 17%, in transportation and storage investments grew by 15%. These three sections realised six-tenth of investments.

The volume of developments grew at the highest extent in water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (39%) representing a relatively low weight, but outstanding growth was registered in the section of arts, entertainment and recreation (33%) as well as in the field of accommodation and food service activities (32%).

Altogether the fields of information, communication and education realised a lower performance than in the previous year.