Published on: 7 March 2019

Industrial production increased by 4.4%

In January 2019 the volume of industrial output grew by 4.4% year-on-year. Based on working-day adjusted data production rose by 5.0%.

The majority of manufacturing subsections contributed to the increase. The rate of growth slowed down in the largest weight representing manufacture of transport equipment, as well as in that of computer, electronic and optical products, while the manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco rose similarly to the degree of industrial average.

Industrial output in January – according to seasonally and working-day adjusted indices – was 0.6% above the level of the previous month.

Volume indices of industrial production


Period Non-adjusted (crude) From the beginning of the year (crude) Working-day adjusted Seasonally and working-day adjusted, previous month = 100.0
corresponding period of previous year = 100.0
2018January 107.4 107.4 107.0 101.4
February104.3 105.8 104.3 100.6
March98.7 103.2 102.9 99.4
April107.5 104.3 102.7 100.0
May100.4 103.4 103.8 101.8
June104.3 103.6 103.1 99.0
July106.1 103.9 103.9 98.0
August101.6 103.6 104.6 104.0
September99.5 103.1 102.2 98.0
October106.0 103.4 103.3 102.1
November104.0 103.5 103.7 99.0
December105.4 103.6 105.7 102.6
2019January 104.4 104.4 105.0 100.6