Published on: 11 May 2017

Agricultural producer prices up by 1.4%

Agricultural producer prices were up by 1.4% in March 2017 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, which was made up of a 3.6% decrease in the prices of crop products and an 11.1% rise in the prices of live animals and animal products. Agricultural input prices were 1.3% lower than a year earlier. At the beginning of 2017, fertilisers prices started to rise, however, they were still 15% lower than in the same period of the previous year.

In March 2017 compared to March 2016:

Cereals prices were lowered by 0.6%.

The prices of fruits were cut by 6.5%, those of vegetables by 12% and the price of potatoes by 3.2%.

The producer price level of live animals rose by 9.4% and that of animal products by 15%.

The price of pigs for slaughter was up by 26%.

The price of poultry for slaughter fell by 1.2%, within which the price of chickens, hens and cocks for slaughter by 0.5%.

Milk prices rose by 20%.

In January–March 2017 compared to the same period of the previous year:

Agricultural producer prices lessened by 0.9%. Within this, the prices of crop products were cut by 6.1% and those of live animals and animal products rose by 9.1%.

Vegetables prices were down by 8.6% and fruits prices by 5.1%, the price index of the latter product group being determined by the price of apple, which fell by 6.2%.

The price of pigs for slaughter increased by 22%.

Milk prices rose by 18%.

In January–March 2017 compared to the same period of the previous year:

The input prices of agricultural production were lowered by 1.3%, which resulted from a 1.7% decrease in the price level of intermediate consumption and a 1.1% rise in the price level of agricultural investments.

It was fertilisers prices that lessened to the highest extent, by 15%. The prices of the product group steadily declined in the past year and approximated by the end of the year the 2010 price level. At the beginning of 2017 the prices began to increase, they were 5.5% higher compared to the previous quarter.

The prices of animal feedingstuffs and plant protection products were lowered by 6.6% and 1.0% respectively.

Energy and lubricants prices were up by 12%, which was made up of the stagnation of electricity and fuel prices as well as a 19% rise in the prices of motor fuels and a 2.1% decrease in the prices of lubricants. The prices of veterinary medicinal products were 1.7% higher.

Within the price level of agricultural investments, the prices of investments in buildings increased by 4.6%, while those of investments in machinery and equipment were 1.9% lower.

The value of the terms of trade (the agricultural producer price index divided by the agricultural input price index) was 100.4%.