4.1.24. Production and use of live animals and animal products (2014–)(9/14)

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Denomination Goose
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Stock, 1 December, 1000 heads 1 023 1 257 1 189 1 335 1 173
Production of animals for slaughter, ton 37 114 44 068 35 271 39 960 43 637
Milk productiona
Wool production (greasy), ton
Eggs production, million pieces
Feather production, ton 323 291 399 522 579
Average procurement priceb 534 550 592 636 648
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 25 741 42 617 29 898 33 382 35 979
live animal 20 638 27 548 21 469 24 591 26 720
wool (greasy)
eggs 3 952 13 936 6 849 6 628 6 674
feather 1 151 1 133 1 580 2 163 2 585
at constant pricesd 27 946 36 466 27 412 34 971 33 671
live animal 22 713 22 744 21 405 24 463 25 465
wool (greasy)
eggs 3 782 12 701 4 431 8 474 5 802
feather 1 451 1 021 1 576 2 034 2 404
Producers' balance-sheet, 1000 headse
Stock, 1 January 892.0 909.7 850.3 1 012.0 1 176.2
Live-born animals (production of animal products) 7 321.8 8 615.9 6 719.9 8 044.3 8 159.3
Domestic purchases 2 964.5 4 230.4 4 001.8 5 469.1 5 512.4
Total resource 11 178.3 13 756.0 11 572.0 14 525.4 14 847.9
Sales of breeding animals (eggs for breeding) 3 125.5 4 190.9 3 832.6 5 418.1 5 168.4
to buyers, to processors and for further sale 3 280.9 3 497.7 2 676.5 2 547.6 2 825.5
for consumption (public, peasants' market, own shop) .. .. .. .. ..
within agriculture 412.0 576.8 375.2 264.3 364.1
other 1 817.3 2 213.8 1 717.1 2 583.2 2 810.9
Processing and use within farm 855.8 969.0 1 090.3 1 459.9 1 586.1
Consumption from own production 182.4 172.1 163.2 136.8 129.9
Perishing (loss) 594.7 1 285.4 705.1 939.3 1 042.2
Stock, 31 December 909.7 850.3 1 012.0 1 176.2 920.8
Total use 11 178.3 13 756.0 11 572.0 14 525.4 14 847.9
Producers' balance-sheet, ton
Stock, 1 January 2 642 2 186 2 344 2 707 3 060
Production in live weight 37 363 44 962 35 632 41 072 43 426
Domestic purchases 653 905 793 1 041 980
Total resource 40 658 48 053 38 769 44 820 47 466
Sales of breeding animals 658 869 764 1 032 938
to buyers, to processors and for further sale 18 695 20 568 15 364 15 036 16 559
for consumption (public, peasants' market, own shop) .. .. .. .. ..
within agriculture 2 454 3 350 2 216 1 467 1 988
other 10 760 13 556 10 050 15 063 17 100
Processing and use within farm 4 457 5 902 6 485 7 743 7 380
Consumption from own production 1 055 831 778 683 609
Perishing 393 633 405 736 522
Stock, 31 December 2 186 2 344 2 707 3 060 2 370
Total use 40 658 48 053 38 769 44 820 47 466
External trade
ton 18 34 35 38 85
million HUF 140 272 292 284 791
ton 617 517 374 539 757
million HUF 963 852 728 975 1 358
aCows' milk in million litres. Ewes' and goats' milk in thousand litres.  bAnimals for slaughter in HUF/kg, milk in HUF/litre, wool in HUF/kg, eggs in HUF/piece.  dAt previous year's prices.  eCows' milk in million litres. Ewes' milk in thousand litres. Wool, ton. Hen eggs, 1000 pieces.  Revised data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011