4.1.17. Production and use of main forage plants (2014–)(6/6)

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Denomination Red clover hay
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Harvested area, hectare 2 681 3 283 3 634 3 692 2 969
Total harvested production, ton 6 982 11 508 14 169 12 509 9 341
Average yield, kilogram/hectarea 2 600 3 510 3 900 3 390 3 150
Average procurement price, HUF per ton
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 89 182 302 182 86
at constant pricesb 145 148 225 263 18 090
Producers' balance sheet, tons
Initial stock, 1 January 5 698 4 114 8 596 8 161 8 572
Direct imports
Domestic purchases 2
Total harvested production 6 982 11 508 14 169 12 509 9 341
Total resource 12 680 15 624 22 765 20 670 17 913
Processing 390 72 378 396 276
Direct exports 42
to buyers, to processors and for further sale 292 267 223 236 320
for consumption (public, peasants' market, own shop)
within agriculture 1 972 2 405 4 876 3 191 3 499
Consumption from own production
Intermediate consumption 5 813 4 240 9 079 8 129 6 768
Loss 99 44 6 146 53
Closing stock, 31 December 4 114 8 596 8 161 8 572 6 997
Total use 12 680 15 624 22 765 20 670 17 913
Gross production 6 883 11 464 14 163 12 363 9 288
aSee Methodological notes.  bAt previous year's prices. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011