Detailed tax and social contribution receipts – Social Security Funds (1995–)(3/4)

(current prices, million HUF)

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STO CONTROL 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
D2 Taxes on production and imports 1=2+26 34 862 39 882 37 535 52 287 99 375 92 446
D21 Taxes on products 2=3+4+13 30 322 31 663 28 104 40 055 86 576 82 899
D211 Value added type taxes 3
D212 Taxes and duties on imports excluding VAT 4=5+6
D2121 Import duties 5
D2122 Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import duties 6=7+..+12
D2122A Levies on imported agricultural products 7
D2122B Monetary compensatory amounts on imports 8
D2122C Excise duties 9
D2122D General sales taxes 10
D2122E Taxes on specific services 11
D2122F Profits of import monopolies 12
D214 Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes 13=14+..+25 30 322 31 663 28 104 40 055 86 576 82 899
D214A Excise duties and consumption taxes 14
D214B Stamp taxes 15
D214C Taxes on financial and capital transactions 16
D214D Car registration taxes 17
D214E Taxes on entertainment 18
D214F Taxes on lotteries, gambling and betting 19
D214G Taxes on insurance premiums 20 25 927 23 313
D214H Other taxes on specific services 21
D214I General sales or turnover taxes 22 30 322 31 663 28 104 40 055 60 649 59 586
D214J Profits of fiscal monopolies 23
D214K Export duties and monetary comp amounts on exports 24
D214L Other taxes on products nec 25
D29 Other taxes on production 26=27+..+34 4 540 8 219 9 431 12 232 12 799 9 547
D29A Taxes on land, buildings or other structures 27
D29B Taxes on the use of fixed assets 28
D29C Total wage bill and payroll taxes 29 4 540 8 219 9 431 12 232 12 799 9 547
D29D Taxes on international transactions 30
D29E Business and professional licences 31
D29F Taxes on pollution 32
D29G Under-compensation of VAT (flat rate system) 33
D29H Other taxes on production n.e.c. 34
D5 Current taxes on income wealth, etc. 35=36+47 41 0 71 20 40 18
D51 Taxes on income 36=38+41+44+..+46 41 0 71 20 40 18
D51M Taxes on individual or household income including holding gains 37=38+39
D51A Taxes on individual or household income excluding holding gains 38
D51C1 Taxes on individual or household holding gains 39
D51O Taxes on the income or profits of corporations including holding gains 40=41+42
D51B Taxes on the income or profits of corporations excluding holding gains 41
D51C2 Taxes on holding gains of corporations 42
D51C3 Other taxes on holding gains 43
D51C Taxes on holding gains 44=39+42+43
D51D Taxes on winnings from lottery or gambling 45
D51E Other taxes on income n.e.c. 46 41 0 71 20 40 18
D59 Other current taxes 47=48+..+53
D59A Current taxes on capital 48
D59B Poll taxes 49
D59C Expenditure taxes 50
D59D Payments by households for licences 51
D59E Taxes on international transactions 52
D59F Other current taxes n.e.c. 53
D91 Capital taxes 54=55+..+57
D91A Taxes on capital transfers 55
D91B Capital levies 56
D91C Other capital taxes n.e.c. 57
ODA TOTAL TAX RECEIPTS 58=1+35+54 34 903 39 882 37 606 52 307 99 415 92 464
D61 Net social contributions 59=60-63+66+69+77 3 320 032 3 117 313 3 040 351 3 475 312 3 752 104 3 913 807
D611 Employers' actual social contributions 60=61+62=64+65 2 381 961 2 211 486 1 999 485 2 111 020 2 289 791 2 383 945
D611C Compulsory employers' actual social contributions 61 2 381 961 2 211 486 1 999 485 2 111 020 2 289 791 2 383 945
D611V Voluntary employers' actual social contributions 62
D61SC Social insurance scheme service charges 63
D6111 Employers' actual pension contributions 64 1 843 856 1 777 818 1 800 864 1 899 770 2 023 388 2 263 105
D6112 Employers' actual non-pension contributions 65 538 105 433 668 198 621 211 250 266 403 120 840
D612 Employers' imputed social contributions 66=67+68 149 147 132 54 42 40
D6121 Employers' imputed pension contributions 67
D6122 Employers' imputed non-pension contributions 68 149 147 132 54 42 40
D613 Households' actual social contributions 69=70+71=72+76 937 922 905 680 1 040 734 1 364 238 1 462 271 1 529 822
D6131 Households' actual pension contributions 70 455 717 449 301 538 912 869 865 853 410 876 580
D6132 Households' actual non-pension contributions 71 482 205 456 379 501 822 494 373 608 861 653 242
D613C Compulsory households' actual social contributions 72=73+74+75 936 130 904 054 1 039 149 1 362 562 1 460 681 1 528 319
D613CE Compulsory employees' actual social contributions 73 808 265 773 190 917 556 1 233 783 1 330 969 1 457 275
D613CS Compulsory actual social contributions by the self-employed 74 83 343 76 410 61 910 66 089 63 670 37 027
D613CN Compulsory actual social contributions by the non-employed 75 44 522 54 454 59 683 62 690 66 042 34 017
D613V Voluntary households' actual social contributions 76 1 792 1 626 1 585 1 676 1 590 1 503
D614 Households' social contributions supplements 77=78+79
D6141 Households' pension contributions supplements 78
D6142 Households' non-pension contributions supplements 79
D995 Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectorsa 80=81+..+86+90
D995A Taxes on products assessed but unlikely to be collected 81
D995B Other taxes on production assessed but unlikely to be collected 82
D995C Taxes on income assessed but unlikely to be collected 83
D995D Other current taxes assessed but unlikely to be collected 84
D995E Employers' actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected 85
D995F Households' actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected 86=87+..+89
D995FE Employees' actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected 87
D995FS Actual social contributions by self-employed persons assessed but unlikely to be collected 88
D995FN Actual social contributions by non-employed persons assessed but unlikely to be collected 89
D995G Capital taxes assessed but unlikely to be collected 90
ODB Total receipts from taxes and social contributionsb 91=1+35+54+59- 66-77-80 3 354 786 3 157 048 3 077 825 3 527 565 3 851 477 4 006 231
ODC Total receipts from taxes and net social contributions (including imputed social contributions)b 92=1+35+54+59-80 3 354 935 3 157 195 3 077 957 3 527 619 3 851 519 4 006 271
ODD Total receipts from taxes and compulsory social contributionsb 93=1+35+54+59- 66-77-62-76-80 3 352 994 3 155 422 3 076 240 3 525 889 3 849 887 4 004 728
aRepresenting taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected  bAfter deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011