Employees aged 15–34 by the way of finding their current job*(1/2)

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Denomination The respondent found his/her current job Total
from advertisements (in any way) through relatives, friends or acquaintances via the public employment office via a private employment agency through an education or training institution it was a direct application to the employer employer contacted him / her directly other way
Age group
15–19 1 870 12 902 2 709 357 2 082 1 775 441 281 22 416
20–24 57 653 130 502 17 113 4 067 12 273 23 506 5 413 5 410 255 936
25–29 116 700 194 415 26 338 6 411 27 252 40 888 9 867 6 055 427 925
30–34 111 858 195 129 22 858 7 088 27 690 51 996 11 114 8 176 435 910
Total 288 081 532 948 69 017 17 923 69 298 118 165 26 834 19 922 1 142 188
15–19 563 8 920 1 796 282 1 148 947 224 13 881
20–24 29 585 76 288 10 025 3 295 9 802 14 176 3 211 2 498 148 880
25–29 62 234 116 603 13 144 3 849 13 759 24 353 5 436 3 211 242 589
30–34 59 682 118 504 9 442 4 614 14 954 31 768 5 449 4 746 249 158
Total 152 063 320 315 34 406 12 040 39 664 71 244 14 320 10 455 654 507
15–19 1 307 3 981 913 75 934 828 217 281 8 536
20–24 28 068 54 214 7 088 772 2 471 9 330 2 202 2 912 107 057
25–29 54 466 77 812 13 193 2 562 13 493 16 535 4 431 2 844 185 336
30–34 52 177 76 625 13 416 2 474 12 737 20 228 5 665 3 430 186 752
Total 136 017 212 632 34 611 5 883 29 634 46 921 12 515 9 467 487 681
Educational attainment
At most 8 grades of primary school 19 302 70 528 28 779 1 570 1 142 10 011 4 663 3 457 139 451
Vocational school, apprentice school 49 260 122 200 17 835 2 725 8 776 25 185 7 720 3 808 237 508
Secondary general school 59 622 93 428 5 603 4 682 7 265 15 371 2 911 3 842 192 723
Secondary vocational school 65 252 132 290 10 144 2 653 14 699 30 773 4 373 2 560 262 744
College, university, PhD, DLA 94 645 114 502 6 656 6 294 37 416 36 826 7 168 6 256 309 762
Total 288 081 532 948 69 017 17 923 69 298 118 165 26 834 19 922 1 142 188
At most 8 grades of primary school 14 220 47 739 16 217 1 570 606 7 549 3 020 2 152 93 072
Vocational school, apprentice school 36 099 95 469 11 317 2 200 6 689 16 080 4 531 2 055 174 441
Secondary general school 26 220 46 180 2 466 3 468 3 891 7 813 2 011 1 282 93 331
Secondary vocational school 36 677 81 821 2 998 1 461 10 733 20 993 2 414 585 157 682
College, university, PhD, DLA 38 848 49 107 1 408 3 342 17 745 18 810 2 343 4 380 135 982
Total 152 063 320 315 34 406 12 040 39 664 71 244 14 320 10 455 654 507
At most 8 grades of primary school 5 082 22 789 12 562 536 2 462 1 643 1 305 46 379
Vocational school, apprentice school 13 160 26 731 6 518 524 2 088 9 105 3 189 1 753 63 067
Secondary general school 33 402 47 248 3 137 1 214 3 374 7 558 900 2 560 99 393
Secondary vocational school 28 576 50 470 7 146 1 192 3 966 9 779 1 959 1 975 105 062
College, university, PhD, DLA 55 797 65 395 5 248 2 953 19 671 18 016 4 825 1 876 173 780
Total 136 017 212 632 34 611 5 883 29 634 46 921 12 515 9 467 487 681
Region of residence
Central Hungary 133 925 159 159 2 571 7 667 25 742 29 901 3 985 5 787 368 737
Central Transdanubia 32 165 73 742 3 666 1 676 2 893 12 754 1 041 1 224 129 160
Western Transdanubia 37 942 55 366 2 697 2 661 5 882 6 290 2 216 466 113 520
Southern Transdanubia 12 368 45 600 9 723 1 499 5 296 16 253 4 110 2 254 97 102
Northern Hungary 19 639 61 304 20 224 2 204 7 671 11 522 2 357 1 540 126 461
Northern Great Plain 22 983 63 667 19 843 1 921 13 199 30 571 8 732 5 253 166 169
Southern Great Plain 29 059 74 111 10 294 294 8 615 10 874 4 395 3 398 141 039
Total 288 081 532 948 69 017 17 923 69 298 118 165 26 834 19 922 1 142 188
Central Hungary 70 051 88 929 1 240 4 325 13 821 19 405 2 516 3 899 204 185
Central Transdanubia 16 411 46 664 1 992 1 125 2 194 6 708 974 584 76 652
Western Transdanubia 20 088 33 329 1 073 2 310 3 651 4 343 712 356 65 862
Southern Transdanubia 6 180 26 598 4 318 826 2 630 10 378 2 662 875 54 468
Northern Hungary 11 613 39 325 10 405 1 640 3 497 7 762 1 407 713 76 364
Northern Great Plain 13 176 40 890 10 458 1 520 7 657 16 785 4 715 2 511 97 713
Southern Great Plain 14 544 44 579 4 920 294 6 212 5 862 1 334 1 517 79 263
Total 152 063 320 315 34 406 12 040 39 664 71 244 14 320 10 455 654 507
Central Hungary 63 874 70 230 1 330 3 342 11 921 10 496 1 469 1 888 164 552
Central Transdanubia 15 753 27 078 1 675 552 699 6 045 67 639 52 508
Western Transdanubia 17 854 22 037 1 624 351 2 231 1 947 1 503 110 47 658
Southern Transdanubia 6 187 19 002 5 405 673 2 665 5 875 1 447 1 379 42 634
Northern Hungary 8 026 21 978 9 819 564 4 174 3 759 950 827 50 097
Northern Great Plain 9 808 22 777 9 384 401 5 541 13 786 4 017 2 742 68 456
Southern Great Plain 14 515 29 531 5 373 2 403 5 012 3 061 1 881 61 776
Total 136 017 212 632 34 611 5 883 29 634 46 921 12 515 9 467 487 681
The administrative classification of residence
Town 139 486 246 858 25 973 7 441 38 648 48 900 11 455 11 768 530 530
Village 58 889 193 193 40 978 3 451 15 880 53 302 12 402 3 605 381 699
Budapest 89 706 92 896 2 066 7 032 14 770 15 963 2 977 4 549 229 959
Total 288 081 532 948 69 017 17 923 69 298 118 165 26 834 19 922 1 142 188
Town 75 269 146 719 12 692 5 704 20 967 30 645 5 836 5 406 303 238
Village 33 651 122 277 20 474 2 549 9 752 30 193 6 433 1 504 226 831
Budapest 43 144 51 320 1 240 3 787 8 945 10 406 2 051 3 545 124 438
Total 152 063 320 315 34 406 12 040 39 664 71 244 14 320 10 455 654 507
Town 64 218 100 140 13 281 1 737 17 681 18 255 5 619 6 362 227 292
Village 25 238 70 917 20 504 902 6 128 23 109 5 969 2 101 154 868
Budapest 46 562 41 576 826 3 245 5 825 5 557 926 1 005 105 520
Total 136 017 212 632 34 611 5 883 29 634 46 921 12 515 9 467 487 681
*Source: Labour Force Survey, supplementary questionnaire Quarter 2, 2016 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011