15–34 year-old people who changed their residence because of their current job by the distance of the moving*

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Denomination The respondent Total The respondent Total
mooved within the country from another European Union country from outside the European Union mooved within the country from another European Union country from outside the European Union
persons %
Total 68 696 28 620 5 967 103 283 66.5 27.7 5.8 100.0
Male 37 295 20 177 1 864 59 336 62.9 34.0 3.1 100.0
Female 31 401 8 443 4 103 43 948 71.5 19.2 9.3 100.0
Age group
15–19 368 117 485 75.9 24.1 100.0
20–24 15 740 5 337 2 097 23 174 67.9 23.0 9.0 100.0
25–29 31 914 12 479 578 44 971 71.0 27.7 1.3 100.0
30–34 20 675 10 688 3 292 34 654 59.7 30.8 9.5 100.0
Educational attainment
At most 8 grades of primary school 3 666 4 114 324 8 104 45.2 50.8 4.0 100.0
Vocational school, apprentice school 5 036 7 328 809 13 173 38.2 55.6 6.1 100.0
Secondary general school 11 741 5 629 3 162 20 531 57.2 27.4 15.4 100.0
Secondary vocational school 16 643 6 257 148 23 047 72.2 27.1 0.6 100.0
College, university, PhD, DLA 31 610 5 294 1 524 38 428 82.3 13.8 4.0 100.0
Region of residence
Central Hungary 20 196 6 104 4 258 30 557 66.1 20.0 13.9 100.0
Central Transdanubia 6 255 3 924 590 10 770 58.1 36.4 5.5 100.0
Western Transdanubia 9 182 2 856 12 039 76.3 23.7 100.0
Southern Transdanubia 7 433 4 237 290 11 960 62.1 35.4 2.4 100.0
Northern Hungary 7 444 4 283 168 11 895 62.6 36.0 1.4 100.0
Northern Great Plain 11 637 1 716 217 13 570 85.8 12.6 1.6 100.0
Southern Great Plain 6 549 5 500 444 12 493 52.4 44.0 3.6 100.0
The administrative classification of residence
Town 38 672 15 056 1 449 55 177 70.1 27.3 2.6 100.0
Village 14 682 9 497 704 24 883 59.0 38.2 2.8 100.0
Budapest 15 341 4 068 3 814 23 224 66.1 17.5 16.4 100.0
*Source: Labour Force Survey, supplementary questionnaire Quarter 2, 2016 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011