9.2.8. Labour market characteristics of not employed aged 19–64 with and without disability by age groups,
quarter 1, 2015*


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Characteristics Not employed with disability Not employed without disability Not employed
19–39 40–64 total 19–39 40–64 total 19–39 40–64 total
Number of not employed 59 686 479 240 538 926 833 474 654 076 1 487 550 893 160 1 133 316 2 026 476
Existence of regular job/business earlier
Had regular job/business earlier, but it is already terminated 26 194 458 092 484 286 288 500 624 075 912 575 314 694 1 082 167 1 396 861
Never had regular work 33 492 21 148 54 640 544 974 30 001 574 975 578 466 51 149 629 615
Reason for leaving previous workplace
Person lost his/her job 6 312 50 932 57 244 117 346 136 867 254 213 123 658 187 799 311 457
Quitted job 2 938 5 424 8 362 21 737 14 609 36 346 24 675 20 033 44 708
Seasonal work terminated 1 052 6 451 7 503 25 593 16 319 41 912 26 645 22 770 49 415
Takes care of other person or child who needs care, family responsibilities 836 9 331 10 167 45 723 43 368 89 091 46 559 52 699 99 258
Due to illness 6 885 91 567 98 452 1 166 8 186 9 352 8 051 99 753 107 804
Retirement 0 64 323 64 323 132 319 270 319 402 132 383 593 383 725
Disability retirement or disability benefit 4 635 207 458 212 093 210 19 139 19 349 4 845 226 597 231 442
Own business terminated 128 4 056 4 184 5 922 13 698 19 620 6 050 17 754 23 804
Public work has ended 1 800 13 584 15 384 52 780 41 652 94 432 54 580 55 236 109 816
Other 1 608 4 967 6 575 17 890 10 968 28 858 19 498 15 935 35 433
Never had regular work 33 492 21 147 54 639 544 973 30 001 574 974 578 465 51 148 629 613
Reason for not seeking employment
Thought that he/she couldn't find a job 1 789 9 846 11 635 29 633 40 008 69 641 31 422 49 854 81 276
Health problems 39 016 300 866 339 882 1 954 18 530 20 484 40 970 319 396 360 366
Family responsibilities 3 681 9 498 13 179 216 361 66 317 282 678 220 042 75 815 295 857
Retirement 0 122 442 122 442 789 330 545 331 334 789 452 987 453 776
Other 5 436 4 665 10 101 377 992 27 935 405 927 383 428 32 600 416 028
Person does not want to undertake employment 1 244 5 877 7 121 25 528 40 265 65 793 26 772 46 142 72 914
Unemployed 8 520 26 044 34 564 181 216 130 476 311 692 189 736 156 520 346 256
Status in last employment
Employee 16 463 159 443 175 906 343 385 436 409 779 794 359 848 595 852 955 700
Not employee 979 10 665 11 644 15 688 36 937 52 625 16 667 47 602 64 269
Did not work in last 8 years or never had regular work 42 244 309 133 351 377 474 399 180 730 655 129 516 643 489 863 1 006 506
Economic activity of last employer by industries
A Agriculture 1 410 10 527 11 937 14 311 25 253 39 564 15 721 35 780 51 501
B–F Industry 4 924 63 817 68 741 90 256 137 694 227 950 95 180 201 511 296 691
G–N Market services 6 675 45 255 51 930 137 833 141 855 279 688 144 508 187 110 331 618
O–U Public service 4 433 50 508 54 941 116 674 168 544 285 218 121 107 219 052 340 159
Did not work in last 8 years or never had regular work 42 244 309 133 351 377 474 399 180 730 655 129 516 643 489 863 1 006 506
Major occupational group in last employment – HSCO'08
Non-manual workers 4 636 42 944 47 580 119 625 176 608 296 233 124 261 219 552 343 813
HSCO 1 59 3 914 3 973 4 775 21 506 26 281 4 834 25 420 30 254
HSCO 2 1 000 6 840 7 840 38 952 40 416 79 368 39 952 47 256 87 208
HSCO 3 2 705 20 505 23 210 46 719 69 360 116 079 49 424 89 865 139 289
HSCO 4 873 11 686 12 559 29 179 45 326 74 505 30 052 57 012 87 064
Manual workers 12 718 127 163 139 881 239 245 295 598 534 843 251 963 422 761 674 724
HSCO 5 3 511 22 497 26 008 74 165 61 036 135 201 77 676 83 533 161 209
HSCO 6 582 5 306 5 888 6 277 10 499 16 776 6 859 15 805 22 664
HSCO 7 1 804 26 334 28 138 26 909 63 521 90 430 28 713 89 855 118 568
HSCO 8 2 369 28 510 30 879 43 801 60 938 104 739 46 170 89 448 135 618
HSCO 9 4 451 44 516 48 967 88 093 99 605 187 698 92 544 144 121 236 665
HSCO 0 – Armed forces 88 0 88 132 1 140 1 272 220 1 140 1 360
Did not work in last 8 years or never had regular work 42 244 309 133 351 377 474 471 180 730 655 201 516 715 489 863 1 006 578
*Without those, who participated in the public employment supplementary training program. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011