9.13.17. The most characteristic voluntary work carried out directly by the type of the work and by in whose favour it was carried out, quarter 1, 2019

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Characteristics Helped relative Helped friend Helped acquaintance Helped colleague Helped other person Total Indicated as the most characteristic performed activity
with the most characteristic direct voluntary worka
incidence persons
Total 1 712 574 723 978 511 050 178 964 247 718 3 374 284 2 189 307
Housework and work around the house 1 010 362 429 882 261 058 90 405 28 214 1 819 921 1 124 226
Administration, shopping 322 744 164 057 135 191 32 733 9 202 663 927 400 967
Babysitting, child care 289 941 54 225 18 861 4 884 5 546 373 457 314 427
Nursing, elder care 53 335 10 733 12 070 449 3 074 79 661 64 129
Helping disabled and health-impared people 1 739 2 061 2 852 698 8 477 15 827 12 237
Helping others in need 385 110 901 7 534 8 930 8 087
Activity connected to religion or work performed for religious organization 3 259 6 828 7 509 2 413 22 906 42 915 26 521
Environmental protection, animal protection 1 377 2 273 5 803 1 614 23 115 34 182 26 196
Settlement and economic development 2 180 2 295 2 850 2 325 8 692 18 342 8 984
Public safety, protection of public order, auxiliary police 804 1 000 1 037 1 273 3 820 7 934 4 239
Disaster recovery, rescue work 65 65 65 65 1 257 1 517 1 257
Helping kindergartens/schools, educational work, teaching/training, scientific activity 7 061 9 883 21 242 23 243 63 560 124 989 88 838
Cultural, artistic activity, preservation of traditions 2 592 8 195 13 714 7 083 17 698 49 282 28 872
Activities related to sports, free-time, relaxing, entertainment 1 458 9 952 7 640 2 001 14 617 35 668 23 844
Political activity 308 308 68 2 522 3 206 2 830
Legal defence, business federation, other activities related to legal assistance and justice 1 079 955 1 780 662 2 386 6 862 4 105
Event organization, assistance on events 2 472 7 703 7 836 4 299 14 241 36 551 22 791
Board membership, executive membership, administrative support, homepage administration, member recruitment 211 211 211 394 1 689 2 716 1 831
Other 11 512 13 243 10 124 4 357 9 168 48 404 24 926
aThe indicated most characteristic voluntary work could help more than one person. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011