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Dear Respondent!

The Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) regarding Hungarian households is a yearly survey conducted by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) aiming to gather information about the living standards of the population. A random sample is selected from all eligible households. The selected households are requested to participate in the survey. Data from the survey provide invaluable information for understanding the economic behaviour of Hungarian households. The main purpose of the survey is to supply comparable data to the EU and its Member States’ decision makers on the consumption structure of households at EU level.

The survey takes place between 2 February and 9 April 2021. Potential respondents from the sample will be contacted by the HCSO’s interviewers and informed about their options of filling the questionnaire: they may choose between in-person interview (with the interviewer using a laptop or conducted over the phone) or answering the questions online. Households choosing the personal interview will receive a gift while tablet winners will be drawn among the online respondents.

One of the most important purposes of the survey is to make further analyses of households and that of overall living conditions possible, that will fundamentally contribute to an effective national and European policy making. The data is going to offer information on the households’ economic and income situation, their consumption and saving habits.

Responding is voluntary and anonymous. Only those households and their members will have the opportunity to respond in the survey which constitute the random sample.

Data are handled confidentially, for statistical purposes only, in aggregated form and without any unique identification. The regulations of the Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics and those of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are followed. The data collection takes place based on a common methodology for all EU countries and the data collected will be published on the official website of Eurostat. The results of the survey will be made public in November 2021.

Should you have any further questions the following contacts are available:
E-mail: lakinfo@ksh.hu
Phone (free of charge): +36 80 200 766 (extension number 3)
from Monday to Thursday between 8am–4:30pm, on Friday between 8am–2pm.

When filling in the questionnaire the following browsers can be used: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0+; Mozilla Firefox 24+; Google Chrome; Opera; Safari

To online questionnaire