Published on: 28 September 2021

4 million 678 thousand people in employment

In August 2021, the average monthly number of employed persons1 aged 15–74 was 4 million 678 thousand2. In June–August 2021, the average number of employed persons was 4 million 659 thousand, 40 thousand more than in the same period of the previous year. Employment increased in the domestic primary labour market, but fell among those working abroad.

In June–August 2021, compared to a year before:

The number of employed persons was 40 thousand more, at 4 million 659 thousand. While the number of people working in the primary labour market in Hungary increased by 57 thousand, the number of members of households in Hungary working abroad decreased (17 thousand).

Among the 15–64 age group, 4 million 558 thousand people were classified as employed, with an employment rate of 73.5%. For men, the number of people in employment was essentially unchanged at 2 million 424 thousand, and their employment rate grew by 1.0 percentage points to 78.3%. For women, employment increased by 28 thousand to 2 million 135 thousand and their employment rate rose by 1.8 percentage points to 68.8%.

Number of employed people aged 15–74, June–August 2021

Denomination Number, thousand persons Change in headcounta)
thousand persons %
Work in the domestic primary labour market4 485.357.21.3
Public worker b)89.2–0.5–0.5
Work at local units abroad84.7–17.1–16.8
Total4 659.239.60.9
Of which: those who are permanently absent due to childcare fee145.12.71.9

a) Compared to the same period of the previous year.
b) Based on the respondent's self-classification.

In the young age group (15–24), the number of employed persons was 273 thousand, and their employment rate decreased by 0.7 percentage points to 27.8%. The employment rate increased by 1.1 percentage points to 87.3% for the so-called prime working age population (25–54 years) and by 3.7 percentage points to 63.8% for the older age group (55–64 years).

Employment among 15–64 year-olds by age group, June–August 2021

Age group, year-old Number Employment rate
thousand persons change, thousand personsa) % change, percentage pointa)
25–543 554.621.187.31.1
Total4 558.529.773.51.4

a) Compared to the same period of the previous year.