Published on: 10 January 2022

Surplus on external trade in goods amounts to EUR 81 million in November

The balance of external trade in goods was positive again after four months, in November. Compared to October, the value of exports increased by 7.8% and that of imports by 4.0%. The value of exports was 7.7% and that of imports 14% larger in EUR terms in November 2021 than in the same period of the previous year. The balance of external trade in goods deteriorated by EUR 526 million. The EUR value of exports was 17% and that of imports 20% higher than in November 2019.

In November 2021:

The value of exports amounted to EUR 11,113 million (HUF 4,049 billion) and that of imports to EUR 11,033 million (HUF 4,018 billion).

The surplus on external trade in goods was EUR 81 million (HUF 30 billion).

The share of EU Member States (EU27_2020) was 77% in exports and 72% in imports.

In November 2021 compared to a year earlier:

The value of exports increased by 7.7% and that of imports by 14% in EUR terms.

External trade in goods

Denomination Exports Imports Balance
value, at current prices same period of previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices same period of previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices change compared to same period of previous year
November 2021
Billion HUF4 049 108.8 4 018 114.6 30 –184
Million EUR11 113 107.7 11 033 113.6 81 –526
January–November 2021
Billion HUF39 096 115.7 38 245 119.8 851 –1 034
Million EUR109 255 113.2 106 895 117.2 2 360 –2 978