Published on: 9 November 2022

The deficit of the external trade in goods amounted to EUR 652 million in September

The value of exports in EUR terms was 28% and that of imports 33% larger in September 2022 than in the same period of the previous year. The balance of the external trade in goods deteriorated by EUR 570 million. Compared to the previous month, the level of export in goods increased by 15% and that of import in goods by 6.5%.

In September 2022:

The value of exports amounted to EUR 13,214 million (HUF 5,362 billion) and that of imports to EUR 13,867 million (HUF 5,636 billion).

The deficit of the external trade in goods was EUR 652 million (HUF 274 billion).

The share of EU Member States (EU27_2020) was 76% in exports and 67% in imports.

In September 2022 compared to a year earlier:

The value of exports increased by 28% and that of imports by 33% in EUR terms.

External trade in goods

Denomination Exports Imports Balance
value, at current prices same period of the previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices same period of the previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices change compared to the same period of the previous year
September 2022
Billion HUF5 362 147.0 5 636 153.3 –274 –245
Million EUR13 214 127.5 13 867 132.8 –652 –570
January–September 2022
Billion HUF40 398 128.8 42 625 139.8 –2 227 –3 104
Million EUR105 132 119.6 110 839 129.7 –5 707 –8 153