2.4.4. Health insurance financing of curative-preventive care (2000–)*(1/2)

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Denomination 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007a 2008a 2009
Financed care, Million HUF
GPs’ and GPs’ emergency service 36 608 41 138 45 453 58 106 60 222 62 917 63 355 72 377 78 682 77 611
Health visitors service, mother, child and youth care 8 333 9 235 9 978 13 790 14 124 17 001 18 494 18 491 18 485 18 554
Dental care 10 409 12 076 16 199 20 496 20 944 21 689 21 665 22 545 23 943 22 652
Service of care centresb 8 154 9 501 8 616 10 107 10 261 10 460 9 411 5 913 4 635 4 595
Transport of patients and corpses on medical order 3 687 4 174 4 812 6 014 6 118 6 276 6 276 6 280 6 018 5 861
Ambulance servicec 17 725 18 080 18 852 20 852 22 802 22 866
Outpatient special care 51 607 61 260 72 923 96 529 103 475 108 576 112 265 110 272 124 661 115 618
CT, MRI 7 057 7 842 8 492 10 735 10 669 11 119 11 940 12 114 14 659 13 663
Kidney dialysis 10 143 11 606 13 061 15 896 16 119 16 775 17 140 20 611 23 275 22 933
Home special nursing 1 274 1 463 1 587 2 236 2 737 3 086 3 103 3 320 3 648 3 818
Inpatient care 222 754 249 944 294 576 373 831 384 784 412 061 419 456 401 757 435 269 410 433
Of which:
active inpatient cared 191 858 215 668 255 573 328 164 333 605 355 734 361 969 336 109 354 867 325 222
extra financing 150 218 275 222 188 118 100 46 13 4
task financed under special rulese 7 801 8 303 10 369 10 591 12 918 15 184 15 606 18 990 23 746 26 508
chronic care 22 945 25 754 28 359 34 854 38 073 41 025 41 780 46 611 56 642 58 699
Otherf 16 043 2 066 27 153 15 274 7 443 6 980 11 998 24 184g 1 138 425
Total 376 069 410 304 502 852 623 013 654 622 695 020 713 954 718 717 757 214 719 031
Financing per capita, thousand HUF 36.8 40.3 49.5 61.5 64.8 68.9 70.9 71.5 75.4 71.7
*According to data of the financial payments effected in the calendar year (ledger data).  aThe consultation visit fee and daily hospital fee also included.  bFrom November 2011 the care in care centres is included in the financing fund of outpatient services.  cFrom 1998 to 2003 ambulance service was financed by the central budget.  dSince 2017 financing of high-value medicaments included.  eOperative treatments of great value, instruments falling under itemized account.  fAdvance payment for operation, relief; funds for pecuniary compensation, target statement of costs.  gIncluding compensation of extras connected to structure reconstruction (15 000 million HUF), subsidy of institutional restructuring and downward adjustment of capacity (7.421 million HUF), too. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011