2.5.15. Other social benefits (2000–2016)(1/2)

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Benefit 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Home maintenance supporta 197 032 183 220 175 055 148 232 196 619 302 893 349 088 343 193 325 899
Debt reducing assistancea 2 626 8 380 8 648 8 640 8 649 10 440
Extraordinary child protection benefit 432 193 407 232 395 446 324 495 317 969 305 875 253 868 223 080 194 353
Funeral support 67 126 62 117 61 718 56 569 53 767 49 069
Temporary assistance 643 366 639 252 665 406 600 090 584 587 563 481 514 556 449 252 418 126
Total amount, thousand HUF
Home maintenance support 3 550 882 3 586 817 3 762 148 3 538 595 5 767 570 12 062 534 16 668 368 17 809 754 16 554 132
Debt reducing assistance 121 905 636 710 621 303 807 050 757 144 911 373
Extraordinary child protection benefit 2 583 576 2 589 000 2 807 635 2 587 167 2 775 783 2 861 458 2 521 816 2 308 884 2 206 522
Funeral support 931 965 953 384 1 051 145 1 087 602 1 121 471 1 194 102 1 144 142 1 128 450 1 067 805
Temporary assistance 4 479 018 4 568 262 5 093 136 4 820 999 5 265 831 5 365 345 5 271 624 4 672 999 4 706 035
Average amount per capita, HUF
Home maintenance support 18 022 19 577 21 491 23 872 29 334 39 824 47 748 51 894 50 795
Debt reducing assistance 46 422 75 980 71 844 93 409 87 541 87 296
Extraordinary child protection benefit 5 978 6 358 7 100 7 973 8 730 9 355 9 934 10 350 11 353
Funeral support 16 202 18 054 19 348 20 226 20 988 21 761
Temporary assistance 6 962 7 146 7 654 8 034 9 008 9 522 10 245 10 402 11 255
Average amount per case, HUF
Home maintenance support 3 695 3 747 4 461 4 696 4 851 5 630 5 665 5 843 5 711
Debt reducing assistance 12 322 11 697 12 564 17 955 16 163 14 993
Extraordinary child protection benefit 3 043 3 226 3 738 4 147 4 564 4 712 4 612 5 014 5 670
Funeral support 12 155 13 355 13 711 15 394 17 773 19 074 20 049 20 717 21 652
Temporary assistance 4 163 4 368 4 633 4 968 5 590 5 754 5 976 6 140 6 822
aAfter 28th February 2015 this support may not be awarded. Data of 2016 cover the supports which were awarded in 2015 for not more than 18 months and are paid in 2016. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011